Will Anti-Christ Times Exactly Like Prophet Noah’s A.S Times?

Will Anti-Christ Times Exactly Like Prophet Noah’s A.S Times?

The detail of anti-christ that we (Muslims, the Ummah of Last Prophet P.B.U.H) have in Hadiths and Islamic literature, no other prophet’s nation has that much knowledge. So we have the opportunity to know more about these things and their connection with Prophet Noah and Prophet Enoch (Hazrat Idrees A.S) times.

All sects of Christianity have this belief that the anti-christ time will be exactly like Prophet Noah (Hazrat Nooh A.S). King James’ followers, staunchly believe in this, as they are not looking into Sumerians. They replicate Prophet Noah’s circumstances with the End of Times, especially in the Book of Revelation. They look into this with detail and clarity to figure out the reminiscence between Prophet Noah’s and the antichrist’s times.

This belief/concept is made on the basis that the same events will occur in the time of Anti-Christ that happened in the time of Prophet Noah A.S. All the hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) related to anti-christ are about time travel, time stretch, and time dilation… and about portals. These concepts are not new as they are from the era of Prophet Noah A.S. We do not have much knowledge about them because the Quran only hints at those events.

However, whenever Quran mentions Prophet Noah A.S., it talks about the opening of heavenly (skies) doors (portals), and the water coming from the top and from under, which has a logical explanation.

Most Islamic scholars do not have a mutual decision or understanding about it. They may be, have not looked into it from this angle/perspective.

Here are 3 important expected resembling elements in Prophet Noah’s (A.S) past story and anti-christ future events.


It is one of the miracles of Allah mentioned in the Quran that the volume of water that goes up (evaporates) is also poured down onto the earth as well. Science (meteorology) discovered that around 16 trillion tons evaporate and the same is rained down through the water cycle.

But, in the case of Noah A.S’s flood, Allah said HE brought the water not only from the above (skies) but also from underneath as well. That means it was a completely different water cycle. Both happened simultaneously, which means that was not a local water cycle as one would expect like the rising of the sea levels. It seems it was some water bodies that erupted from underground and doors (portals) opened from the top as well.

There are 2 different times the Quran talks about the story of the Prophet Noah A.S. First, in Surah Qamar, where at the beginning this story is mentioned;

فَفَتَحْنَآ أَبْوَٰبَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ بِمَآءٍۢ مُّنْهَمِرٍۢ (So We opened the gates of the sky with pouring rain) وَفَجَّرْنَا ٱلْأَرْضَ عُيُونًۭا فَٱلْتَقَى ٱلْمَآءُ عَلَىٰٓ أَمْرٍۢ قَدْ قُدِرَ (and caused the earth to burst with springs, so the waters met for a fate already set)

(Surah Qamar:11,12)

Secondly, in Surah An-Naba, where it is mentioned that the sky will become doors upon doors (portals).

وَفُتِحَتِ ٱلسَّمَآءُ فَكَانَتْ أَبْوَٰبًۭا (The sky will be ˹split˺ open, becoming ˹many˺ gates,)

(Surah An-Naba: 19)

The Quran vividly used the word “ABWAABA” meaning “doors”. This Surah has nothing to with rain but with doors, and all Islamic scholars also agree with that, as there it talks about judgment day when all doors of the sky will be opened.

So, it is indeed a portal that opened from the sky and brought the water from someplace else. It absolutely rained but this is not the local water cycle because to drown or flood the whole earth, the local water cycle is not enough. It requires an external water source and this concept needs understanding. A tank that has a specific amount of water, no matter how many times you recycle it, won’t come out of the tank.

Quran tells us that the amount of water (WE) take up, same is rained down as well. It’s common sense that the gap it (evaporation) creates will be filled with the same amount. So, to drown the whole earth in water, with no tree left which could be seen above the water level,  something supernatural absolutely happened. Even the mountains were underwater because Prophet Noah’s A.S. son went on top of the mountain, but still, he drowned.

So it’s a useless confusion among a very few local Islamic scholars whether this flood was on the local level or the global one. There is no second opinion in it that Noah’s A.S. flood was on the whole earth and it was on a global level. A quote from Hazrat Ali, from authentic references, is there that the water of the flood of Prophet Noah A.S. came from Canis Majoris.

Besides, all the holy books and scriptures, including the Bible and Torah, affirms it, and Sumerian texts are also filled with such reasonings, especially the book of Enoch. Prophet Enoch A.S got all the related knowledge, waited for his great-grandson (Noah) to be born, and then trained him. He mentioned that a time will come when water(flood) will come. He did alarm his great-grandson that water (flood) has started its course from both the north and south poles. The tides commenced their journey and there is only this much time or years left.

Moreover, the way Prophet Noah A.S gathered all the animals (a couple, male and female, from every specie) to bring in his ark, from all over the world, is just not possible to do on the human level. For that, you need such a technology that is helpful to do all that.

The point here to understand is, why it has a direct correlation with anti-christ??? The answer is that at the end of time, the anti-christ would absolutely use the same technologies, traveling ways and trajectories through portals and different dimensions. A lot of Ahadees are there in this reference.


If we look into the time of Prophet Noah A.S through Sumerians, other Mesopotamian texts, or even through the Bible, we will come to know that Prophet Noah A.S lived on the earth the same number of years as we do. If 950 years, as mentioned in the Quran, is only his preaching period, then what was His age exactly? Of course, it would be more than 950 years.

Moreover, His ministry (preaching) of all 950 years is not only in this dimension, as old scriptures are giving hints about it. The same thing is there in the story of As’haab e Kahf (people of the cave), who slept for 300 years in the cave and aging around 350 years.

In the times of anti-christ, as authentic hadiths of the Last Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. tell, his first day would be near to one year. The second day would be nearly one month. The third day would be nearly one week. The fourth and all the remaining days would be like normal days. It is also mentioned in hadiths that his total period will be 40 days on this earth. So, there is a connection between time, especially time-stretching, in both eras.


In the era of Hazrat Noah (A.S), people made idols/statues of creatures that came from parallel universes/portals and worship them as gods. At the end of times, anti-christ would claim himself a god/Massiah, as he will also use portals for intergalactic travels.

 Final Words

As we focus more on the events from history and relate them to the predicted future events through Ahadees and Quran, we can understand more deeply about physics, and metaphysics; especially astronomy. Inner world aims to bring more likewise topics on the matter.

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