Why do Jews want to Demolish the Dome of the Rock? This is the question which answers everybody needs to know.
In the prophecies of End of Times’ signs, given by the Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), the demolition of the dome of the rock is there. Muadh Ibn Jabal (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said,
“The Flourishing state of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) (under the non-Muslims) will be taken when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the Great War comes, the outbreak of the Great War will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when Al-Dajjal (Anti-Christ) comes forth”. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh with his hand and said, “This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Muadh Ibn Jabal).
[Abu Dawud]
Besides the completion of other signs one by one, we see that this prophecy is also now going to be visible. According to a report of Safa, Lehava, the leader of the Israeli extremist group announces the demolition of the dome of the rock, in 2022.
Jews are one of the world’s most ancient nations and Jewish history is there in the Bible, and Qur’an, as well. They became a nation under the leadership of Prophet Moses (Hazrat Musa A.S). They strongly believe in promised coming “Messiah” and waiting for it since the time of King David (Hazrat Dawood A.S), around 1000 BC.
Now, let’s come to the point that why Israel wants to demolish the dome of the rock.
Muslims believe that Israel wants to build its alleged temple in the place of the dome of the rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque. This notion has gotten strength from the daily assassination of Palestinians by Jewish settlers and radical groups.
In an answer to Anadolu Agency, regarding the question of whether Jews want to eliminate Al-Aqsa, a religious activist, Raziella Harpaz says
‘God will do it. God will extinguish the existing Al-Aqsa Mosque and bring a third temple down to earth in its place, Everything, including Al-Aqsa, belongs to the Jews because God created the world only for his holy beloved people, the Jews.’

In the words of Moti Khouyzag, a Yeshiva student, It’s all about the preparations for Jesus’s second coming. A Jewish temple will be rebuilt, by Jesus, in the place of Al-Aqsa Mosque, he said.
According to Jewish belief, the place, where Al-Aqsa Mosque is located today, was the site of two Jewish temples, back in the times. That’s why Jewish claim this place as a “temple mount” which is more concern to them than Muslims. For Muslims, however, the noble sanctuary and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third most holy place in the world that they never gonna leave. (The first two are Makkah and Madina).
One reason can be that by demolishing the dome of the rock, Israel wants to give a bold message to the Muslim world; a message that no any Muslim country has the courage to defend Palestine, Arab, and Muslim Rights.
A question also arises in mind whether this act of Israel is just for religious purposes or colonial ones. Well, if we see the origin, in the 19th century, it was a colonial project of Jews, in Palestine. However, it turned into religious warfare, later on, not by chance. Jews, by design, planned to occupy the whole place, with time. No doubt, they have a great history linked with the land of Jerusalem, Palestine. Therefore, attacking Al-Aqsa and destroying the dome of the rock was also included somewhere in their future plans.
To know more comprehensively about Israel’s occupation of Palestine, the Aljazeera blog would be highly helpful for you.
By analyzing all the recent or old documentaries or writings regarding Palestine-Israel, one thing is clear. Israel never accepted Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Palestine. It always mentions it as ‘the eternal capital of Israel’.
Jews are highly ambitious for the reconstruction of the temple, the third time, in place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. They also claim that no Muslim will be allowed to enter this place, once the temple is rebuilt. The blog on the website Mondoweiss on ‘vision replace mosque’ is there to highlight more on the mindset of Jewish people, regarding all this.
To summarize, whatever the reasons, religious dogmas, or political tactics behind the demolition of Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, nothing can justify the brutal killings of Palestinian people. No religion or Holy Book from the Almighty commands/allows to kill innocent people for no, or self-made, reason. It’s also important to highlight here the Muslim block’s mysterious silence on the whole issue.
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