Silence on LGBTQ - A Sin You Sow; Your Child Will Reap

Silence on LGBTQ – A Sin You Sow; Your Child Will Reap

Centuries ago, two civilizations, Sodom and Gomorrah, near the Dead Sea (Jordan), were famous for their wealth and prosperity. Travelers and visitors from different countries used to come there to spend a good time. As time passes, the people of Gomorrah and Sodom started irritating these regular guests in the area. Suddenly, they planned a vicious strategy and implicated it in the incoming outsiders. What was that strategy? Homosexuality; is an act that was never done by any human being before.

A Prophet came to them to stop that act. Those people also got warnings over warnings from the Almighty Power. But, nothing could stop them from that filthy act. Consequently, they had been doomed to destruction by the Almighty Power, with the rain of sulfur stones from the sky. The remains of the civilizations of Sodom and Gomorrah are still there today, near the Dead Sea (Jordan).

Who was the Prophet sent to this nation and what is it called in the HOLY BOOKS (BIBLE & QUR’AAN)? The answer is, Prophet Lut (A.S) and Qoum-e-Lut.

What was the crux of telling this story? The answer is the anger of God on the filthy act of HOMOSEXUALITY. Homosexuality means having sex with the same gender.

Now, comes the term LGBTQ!


L= Lesbians; the intimate relationship between two females

G= Gays; the intimate relationship between two males

B= Bi-sex; sometimes a male, sometimes a female

T= Transgender; confused between their identical gender feelings and the real gender from birth

Q= Queers; not sure about their gender

Now there is another term that is Intersex, which is not included in LGBTQ. Intersex means the discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries).

Here, the thing to point out and keep in mind is that the Inter-sex is a biological problem. Whereas, all the terms LGBTQ falls in psychological dissonance. None of them is a biological issue.

LGBTQ Rise in the Contemporary Era

The sin committed by divinely destroyed civilizations (Sodom and Gomorrah) centuries ago, is rising once again in this century. Several countries have officially announced their legality, including Pakistan. Global organizations e.g., Human Rights Watch, The Trevor Project, Black Aida Institute, Family Equity Council, FIERCE, GLAAD, Pride, Global Equality Fund, Global Justice Institute, American Psychological Association (APA), and others are openly supporting LGBTQ rights. They call it freedom of expression, freedom to live life freely and enjoy while not harming anyone. Okay, I get it! So, let’s explore more about it.

Suppose a man just feels that he is a woman. He goes to the doctor and undergoes surgery to transform himself. Now, he is a seeming woman creature in front of you.

  1. Has the doctor changed his neuro-chemistry, thinking patterns, hormones developed from childhood, and the inner mechanism of the body made by God also?
  2. Would he enjoy a successful womanish life, along with a loving husband and a mother of pretty babies?
  3. What about all those memories and privileges he enjoyed as a male in his previous life? Is it really easy to delete the past that possesses a major part of your brain?
  4. Where would he put a full stop after this transition? Cuz once you start making changes in your body, there are processes for the sustainability of those changes? How much pain would he keep bearing all life?
  5. What if his feelings changed once again and he starts feeling like a male? Would there be any recovery?

These are just 5 questions I had in my mind. But, I know there are more than 500 questions that a person will face on daily basis, after changing his/her gender.

The World after 100 Years

Let’s assume a planet of human beings with confused gender, confused identity, confusing psychology, confused biology, men transformed into women, women transformed into men, no family institution, no human reproduction, and no baby giggles, anywhere. You’ll definitely call it an alien’s planet.

Then, assume a social structure where the husband and wife are leading totally an unexpected life. This means a wife can anytime change her real gender identity into perceived gender identity and demand divorce. Likewise, a husband can do the same and break a traditional family institution.

Again, assume a world where people are with perceived gender identities with endless perceptions. A person is a male in the morning and a female in the evening. Not only this, but he can perceive himself/herself as a bird, an animal, or anything else, and act likewise. This means, if you have legal allowance to transform yourself, then it can be anything, not only man to woman or woman to man. It can be endless transformations. Who knows???

Also read The Real Game of Life You Need To Know

Final Words

The article not completely covers the horrors or nightmares of the recent LGBTQ agenda in the world, in the future. There is more material on the way to come. The crux point of this article is only to highlight the fact that silence on LGBTQ can be your big remorse in the future. You would not tolerate your child as a confused person in his psychology, biology, neurology, and in whole life. You would not like to see your child leading a frustrated and disappointed life that may end up in suicide.

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