Are We Really Trapped In This World; Psychology Behind Sin of Adam

Almost half the world acknowledges the false philosophy that we are here in this world because Hazrat Adam (A.S) did sin or made a mistake and we are given a punishment. Not only Christians but also a lot of Muslims, unfortunately, believe this wrong concept.

Now, if half of the planet is under this psychology, then, of course, it also badly impacts the other departments, thinking patterns, and cognitive pathways of their lives. A person with this belief system and philosophy would definitely remain under a reactive, suppressed, or nihilistic psychology. Okay then, what is the fact? Here is the answer;

Allah has given us the freedom to live in this world, with some prescribed rules and regulations. We are free to choose right or wrong until a limited period.

If you study the story of Hazrat Adam (A.S), collectively, in all the Chapters of the Quran (whenever it is highlighted), you would come to know that Allah had made Hazrat Adam (A.S), actually, the ‘khalifa’ (creature) for this world. He (Adam) was given this status right at the time of his creation.

So, this is utter confusing psychology to believe that you are already made for this earth and then also came here for punishment.  Does it make any sense?

This psychological confusion is there among a lot of people right now in the world. Not only a layman but Global motivational speakers, school teachers, and even the best poets in the world drove down this wrong psychology and created cognitive dissonance among people. 

Let’s have a little highlight on the basics of initial the story of Hazrat Adam (A.S).

Both Hazrat Adam (A.S) and Hazrat Hawwa (Eve) A.S, when ate that grain, they were taught a Dua ( prayer) of forgiveness by Allah Almighty; i.e.,

Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.

[Surat Al-A’raf: 23]

After reading this dua, they were forgiven y Allah and were made clean from that sin to as pure as they were at the time of their creation. Allah, then, said them to descend on the earth with an indication that you (human) and Satan (Shetaan) will be enemies of each other, forever. 

Now, the question is whether Hazrat Adam (A.S) and Eve (A.S) are trapped on this planet? The answer is yes, BUT in the sense that we all humans came here as the viceroy or Khalifa of God (Allah S.W.T), not as the punished ones. The last Prophet, Muhammad (P.B.U.H), and all other Prophets, along with the four Holy Books, have told many times mankind that this world is nothing more than an illusion are we are here only to complete a task in a limited time. We are kept here just for an exam or test and we all have to go back to our original destination, i.e., Jannah (Heaven/Paradise). However, those who do not believe in it, and all Prophets of Allah, the Holy Books, who did bad acts and die without doing Tauba, will be destined for hell, forever.

There are a lot of verses from the Quran and multiple Hadiths on it. 

The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.-Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Reference: Sahih Muslim 2956

So, the philosophy that we are trapped because somebody sinned?  No, of course not. It is against the basic psychology of mankind and is direly needed to understand.

There is no other opinion in it that basically all humans are the creations of Jannah (Paradise/Heaven) where they would live as Queens and Kings, one day. Now, if you trap a king/queen in a small cottage, he/she still would remain a king or a queen. You cannot change his/her basics or background, and psychology also. That’s why all men in the world want eternal power and all women in the world want eternal beauty. Being the creature of Jannah, you have a lot of tests and responsibilities here, as any king or queen has. No matter how much a king/queen enjoys his/her status, he/she has to be responsible for his/her every single act, one day. This test or responsibility is, philosophically, named a ‘trap’.

I am feeling the importance of mentioning the concept of Ehed e Alast here, as some people say that why we have to fulfill the contract or promise which only Hazrat Adam (A.S), our father, had made with Allah.

First, believe that this question is in your mind from Satan. He would continuously confuse you and make you question, rather disbelieve all, about Allah Almighty.

Ehed e Alast is the right answer to the question of why we, as children, have to fulfill the contract of our Father. According to this Ehed (Promise), every single soul made a promise ( a contract) to Allah Almighty, before coming to this world. All the four Holy Books and Prophets of Allah have re-memorized this Promise to us several times. This Promise of Alast is mentioned in all the Holy Scriptures from Allah (SW.T). I will write about Ehed e Alast in detail, in my next blog. 

Now the question is why don’t we remember that promise of Alast? The answer is that it is exactly what is called the test of Emaan Bil-Ghaib (The Test of Believe on Unseen). Allah has told us everything and left the rest to us believe it or not. What would be the nature and spirit of that test if Allah puts in our memory all those things that happen to us before our birth, showing us His physical existence, his Angels, and things hidden from our eyes in this world? What would be, then, meant of Hell and Heaven, or any Day of Judgement? This is what is called intellectual discourse between a believer and a non-believer.

So, what we are expected to do is to be humble, be the servant of Allah and follow his all commandments, if we wanna go back to our original destination, Jannah, as a king or queen. 

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