Do you know about the consequences or pays-off of the harsh utterings on the brainpower of a person? Indeed, it would be shocking for you to know how worst bad words impact a person’s inner world (mind and soul).

Before moving further, let’s know what is brainpower?


Brainpower is the intellectual ability of a person, or his capacity o think negatively or positively. It is, no doubt, the strongest power a man has been bestowed by The Creator. The brain is only 2% of the body’s weight, yet it accounts for 20% of its metabolic burden and is 10 times more expensive per gram than muscle. The brain is the body’s most complicated organ. It is the source of all of our thoughts, actions, memories, feelings, and world experiences. There are a lot of therapies, books, medical practices, and other things to make stronger the brainpower of a man. It shows that it is something that needs a conscious and constant effort to maintain or improve.

Now, let’s talk about the other part of the title i.e., harsh utterings or bad speeches.


The word ‘harsh’ implies something unpleasant, ungentle, or which is not loveable. Uttering here means to speak out some word from the mouth. So, harsh uttering means to say something that is included in the category of ‘abusive language’. Verbally it means that a person talks to someone in completely inappropriate language which can include name-calling, swearing, profanity, etc. Our society, no doubt, is nowadays full of such examples.

Now, here is the question that arises does the harsh uttering of a person really impact someone’s brainpower or the power of thinking in the right direction? If yes, then what can be the expected consequences/pay-offs of this dilemma in the society, or an individual’s life?


To begin with, from a psychological standpoint, the brain contains neurotransmitters, which send out chemical impulses to keep us awake and focused. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that deliver chemical messages from your brain to the rest of your body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has a function in motivation research. Dopamine’s chemical signal is transferred from one neuron to the next, and dopamine interacts with different receptors inside the synapse between those two neurons.

Dopamine’s responsibilities are completed before we get rewards, implying that its primary function is to motivate us to act, either to do something good or to avoid something terrible. Cursing plays a big role in disturbing your brain system and release of fluids like dopamine. If you utter a harsh or bad word, it not only disturbs your brainpower, rather it will also kill the confidence level or the tolerance level of the next person. Ultimately, that person’s brainpower starts declining immediately and he, sometimes, would be unable to keep his thinking positive or peaceful.

Here is another interesting point also to discuss, which revolves around this saying of Fredrich Nietzsche; Whatever Doesn’t Kill You, Only Makes You Stronger. According to this statement, it totally depends on the brainpower of a man that either he gets emotionally killed by someone, after listening to some bad or negative words, or gets the extra power to tolerate the whole situation and become stronger than before. So, it seems that it’s actually the brainpower that plays its role either way.


This is the first thing a bad or harsh uttering creates in the mind of a person(victim). When you underestimate someone with your bad utterings, he or she feels really embarrassed and losses his or her mind. It makes him or her feel inferior to others and worthless. Hopelessness is basically an emotion characterized by a lack of hope, optimism, and passion, and all of these three are very important to have strong brainpower.


The second element is the poor self-esteem of a person who is facing the bad words of people. These harsh utterings make him or her feel humiliated, worthless, a blamed and damaged person. A victimized individual may become more sensitive to social threats and social anxiety cues as a result of a humiliating event that leads to a dread of repeated humiliation. Ultimately, his brainpower shatters horribly for, maybe, a very long time.


Thirdly, there comes the element of shame, guilt, and depression. All of these feelings can stay for a long-time, with a person (victim). Harsh utterings are the emotional abuse of a person that sometimes precedes the physical abuse, according to its nature of severity. Here is a point to understand that the feelings of shame, guilt and depression can be realized or felt in adults, but in the case of children, it remains unknown or unnoticed, often. Consequently, the child starts to have social withdrawals and sleep disorders at the maximum.


Fourthly, there is PTSD which also comes under the consequences of harsh utterings. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that affects certain people after they have been through a traumatic, frightening, or hazardous incident. Harsh words or foul language may not usually result in PTSD, but they can. Basically, a person having bad speaking habits or using bad words tries to exert his brainpower, terrorize and control others. It can be said a non-violent tactic of such a person, as he is not using any physical weapon. All this leads to traumatic changes in the brain structure and functioning of the victim. Therefore, the area of the brain, which produces the feelings of decision-making and clear thinking, functions terribly slow, according to psychology.


Though we’re frequently not aware of the words we use, read, or expose ourselves to, words are immensely potent instruments that we can utilize to boost our personal energy and better our lives. Yes, even other people’s remarks may have an impact on our personal vibration. Spend a few minutes with a chronic complainer who uses a variety of derogatory phrases, and your own energy will plummet. Words have a lot of power, so pick them (and your friends) carefully!


Remember, your words matter because they have a vibration and energy which the next person definitely catches. Your words have meanings and they absolutely make difference in someone’s life. So, never forget to speak with mindfulness whatever, whenever, and wherever you have to speak.

 If you really want emotional and mental strength, visit the social media platforms of a non-profit organization YOUTH CLUB, a team of the best motivational people, inspiring and changing the lives of the masses.

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