“Israel is under my feet”, these are the words I listened in a video from a wounded Palestinian child today. Gaza is again under attack. Karbala had never gone; it was always there after the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussain (R.A).
Do you know how many Palestinian children are killed in the last 48 hours (dated 7 Aug, 8 Aug 2022)? If no, don’t worry, here you will see the list of names and ages.
- Alaa Qaddoum, 5yo
- Ahmad Alnairab, 11yo
- Momen Alnairab, 5yo
- Mohammed Hassouna, 14yo,
- Khalil Abu Hamads, 17yo.
- Hazem Salem, 12yo.
- Deema, 16yo
- Ibrahim, 2yo
- Mahmood 13yo
- Meera, 9yo
- Hoor, 1.5yo
- Ameer, 9yo
- Ismael,7yo
- Yazan,13yo
- Tala,12yo
- Ameer, 6yo

Here is another list of people. It is not mere a list, rather it is the price of the shamelessness in the Muslim leaders of this era that is being paid by innocent Palestinians daily.

These are just reported deaths. How many of them could be there that are never reported? The hypocrisy of the apartheid Israel and the main stream media is on its peak now.
I saw another Palestinian child screaming that he heard his brother, who was slaughtered by an Israeli airstrike, called his name while he bids his brother the last farewell; “He just said my name. I heard him. I swear. He just called me Ahmad”. The video is here. Can you just imagine their pain for a second?
Apartheid Israel says he is doing all this just in ‘self-defense’. Is bombing kids a self defense?
In a recent video, Noam Chomsky, said; “It’s almost impossible to think about, Gaza is 2 million people who are living in an open-air prison under constant attack…“
As the time is passing, Israel is doing with Palestine what it possibly can do.
Every Palestinian child, I believe now, has no any hope of help from Arab countries (so-called Muslim leaders).
Right now, Gaza is the biggest prison in the world and people of this place are just struggling for their survival every single day. The credit goes to Jordan (a so-called Muslim country) and its allies that ban any help to Gaza from its borders. For details, you can read it here.
It is no doubt the revival of the incident of KARBALA, but the spirit of KARBALA has been killed by Muslims themselves. We Muslims don’t need any external rival, we are enemies of ourselves.
We forgot the real meaning and essence of KARBALA. That’s why we are now puppets in the hands of our oppressors. A state that was never there 75 years ago (apartheid Israel) and who was sympathetically given a land to survive, is now killing cold-bloodedly the real owners and inhabitants of that land (Palestinians).
Every Arab/Muslim and Non-Arab child of the world knows that Apartheid Israel has no history and only has a criminal record.

The concept of One(Jewish)-Ummah that almost every Jew is presenting is a big question mark for Muslim Ummah. They (Jews) ingrain the biblical concepts (The Modified Bible, in which a Jew can kill a non-Jew) from the school level. They prepare every Jewish child from the early age to whatever beliefs they have.
A Jewish child born in any country of the world becomes eligible for an Israeli passport, right after his/her birth. Almost every Jew, no matter wherever he is living around the globe, sends charity to Israel, as a financial support. This is how clear they are in their One-Ummah concept.
My sincere questions to the Muslim Ummah is ; How many more Palestinians, Yemenis, Syrians, Burmese, Uygers and Kashmiris we need to sacrifice to invoke our real One-Ummah concept in ourselves?
When that day will come when our children will learn that it’s no one else but our responsibility to understand this Hadith that Muslims are like one body, any aching part gives pain to the whole?
For how many other years we Muslims will remain busy in dirty politics and diplomacy, or keep waiting for Imam Mehdi to come and solve the issue?
Its only NOW, or NEVER!
Read more about the Palestine-Palestine Issue and Muslim Block silence here.