Palestine is still an issue in the whole world. But, as time is passing, Arabs/Muslims are taking it lightly, despite knowing its huge political and psychological consequences on the Muslim world.
The biggest cancer Palestine suffering from is the confused and dense psychology of the Muslim Ummah that absolutely never been there 1400 years ago.
Every day, you see Palestine students and journalists arrested and detained for years. The recent case of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akelah is evident in front of the whole world. Would she get justice? Would any Palestinian killed by American or Israeli forces get justice till today?
There is the recent news of the detention of Palestinian students and journalists in Ramallah, Occupy West Bank today. They are badly tortured in detention.
Palestine Bleeds; What are the Main 5 Reasons?
-The first reason is, that the major psychology Jews derived from their hand-written Torah version is that Jews and gentiles (non-Jews) are not equal. You can read the details in this blog. They are following their Book, Torah, which has a lot of changes and additions in it, than the real Book of God.
-The second reason for the Palestinian flag bleeding is Jordan and Egypt, which have ceased ways to enter Palestine. Gaza is now the biggest jail in the world. You can read the details here. Both of these are never listed in Palestine supporting countries. Anyhow, the other Muslim countries who are supporting Palestine, including Pakistan, have also never taken any step to stop this violence.
-Thirdly, the land swap proposal, proposed by the Jews to Palestinians, is not at all rational and logical at any level. However, Israel wants Palestine to recognize this idea as a peace contract between both states.
-Fourthly, we Muslims have the biggest excuse in our psychology that our Prophet (P.B.U.H) had made prophecies on the domination of Jews on Al-Aqsa. So, we are not going to do anything because it is a prophecy of a Prophet, coming to reality. Or, we will wait for Imam Mehdi to come in this era and lead us to fight against Jews.
-Last but not least, the Muslims have neglected their real book, The Quran. The definition of Muslims given in the Quran cannot be seen in any Muslim today. But every Jewish is holding the same identity as defined in The Quran, 1400+ years ago. What a big dilemma!
Palestine’s Suffering- It’s a Psychological Warfare

If u see clearly, we have held the picture downside-up. If u hold the frame rightly i.e., upside-down, you will know the real problem, and what is that?
The answer is, that we all have lost in our amazing-jobs-handsome-salaries cycle.
What do you think? Will the children of Yemen and Palestine appreciate you while buying expensive cars and luxurious houses with the financial resources you have?
Wouldn’t you be accountable for whatever happens there? Wouldn’t they ask you about the religion and the Prophet you believe in and follow?
Is it not shameful for you that a lot of Christians in the United Nations, by selling their assets, tried to help those suffering families in 2019?
Do you even know the names or number of the children killed in Palestine, Syria, Kashmir, and Yemen, till today?
Mavi Marmara bombing; A Decade Passed But…

Where was your basic sense of empathy after watching Chuck Shumar’s laughter on bombing a Palestinian ship (Mavi Marmara bombing, May 31, 2010), and killing a lot of women and children? Did you feel shame inside you while listening to his justification, in this case, that the supporters of terrorists are also terrorists? On this justification, approx. 200 people on that Palestinian ship were bombed and justified.
People from American Army, who had humanity, even on a minor level, resigned from, in the United Nations, after the Mavi Marmara bombing incident. Approx. 13 to 14 thousand resignations were there. It’s on record. You can get the videos on the internet.
Point to Ponder
These people were not followers of Islam and yet gave up their jobs after realizing these inhumane, terror-based, unjust, and violent acts. But we Muslims… we are just busy balancing our Deen and Dunya, every single day. Those Christians got ashamed after killing our children, but we are never ashamed of watching our children die every day.
It’s the Sunnah of Allah that He shows really alarming signs to the nations who had no shame to wake up against violence, in history. I think we Muslims are also waiting for some major divine jerks to really wake up one day, against this global violence.
This year, in 2022, 13 Palestinian children have been killed and more numbers are coming day by day. What a shame for the lethargic and insensitive psychology of the whole Muslim bloc, right now.

Final Words
Emotional Intelligence, Critical Thinking, and Character Building are 3 main attributes to think outside the box and boost the personality. Do you also want to raise your standards of thinking in life?
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