Herd mentality and cancel culture-A psychological warfare

If you and I follow the same path derived from our culture our forefathers, without knowing it is right or wrong, then we both are having a herd mentality. Cancel Culture is calling out, un-following or not abiding by the cultural values that, according to an individual’s viewpoint, are not right or good to follow or keep continue anymore. 

Herd Mentality Brief Explanation

If you see animals, they follow a herd or a group behavior. There are fish schools, bird flocks and likewise. The behavior of the whole herd influences the individual’s behavior and patterns.

If you see examples in humans, there are many behaviors that we practice as our cultural and social norms. If a person from another culture comes in our culture or society, he starts adopting and following what all others are doing. All of us do it to look “normal”.

Characteristics of Herd Mentality

There are many game questions designed as “herd mentality game questions” or “herd mentality game extra questions” where responses of people are taken and scoring is done. These “herd mentality game online” is much interesting for many people to test themselves as the part of a herd or collective thinking or a lone wolf. If you want to test yourself, you can get herd mentality questions list from internet. Besides, there are herd mentality quotes and herd mentality books that make you either support this mentality or think unique and opposite.


A huge pressure of herd mentality is also a big factor in corrupting a child psychology who has capability to do unique things in life. It stops him to think different from others.

Cancel culture Brief Explanation

When you break this “normal”, you entered in the domain of cancel culture. Or, when you go against the herd mentality and their blind following, you cancel the cultural values and become a “rebel”. I will give you an example from the American part of the world, as the term “cancel culture” itself came from America.


The famous author of Harry Potter series, JK Rowling is facing criticism in America due to its critical comments against LGBTQ rights. She commented that don’t mix the phrase “woman” with “people who menstruate.” It simply means that sex or gender is real. A person who is not woman by birth can’t be a “woman” after transforming himself even 100+ times. Her own story characters i.e., Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson condemned her statement.

Now, come to the other part of the world, where Islamic states and Muslims are in majority. For us, cancel culture is not less than a “war against falsehood”.

You will see a lot of cancel culture memes and cancel culture hoodies, in the western part of the world. There is also an important term in this case i.e., the crucible compared to cancel culture, which means that the cancel culture is much similar to Salem witch trials in the American history.

The biggest pro of cancel culture is that it can held accountable the running system and bring a social change. Whereas, the biggest con of cancel culture is that it can change into intolerance, violence and aggression among people, that leads to another warfare in psychological realms.

Therefore, your emotional intelligence matters a lot in this case. If you want to know how to use Emotional Intelligence, watch the video below.

How to use emotional intelligence by Sahil Adeem

a. Cancel Culture: In case of Arab World

Islamic values remained the culture of Arabian countries after the prophet-hood of the last prophet, Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). However, in this era, it’s difficult to see pure Islamic culture in these countries. A lot of cross cultural values has been added up now, in Arab ancient traditions. For example, music, celebrity culture, accommodation of unnecessary wealth, love for worldly matters, copying western values, so on and so forth. So, Arabs are cancelling the culture of ancient and pure Islam, day by day.

b. Cancel Culture: In case of Indo-Pak Belt

In Indo-Pak and Asian Belt countries, there is another version of Islam, totally different from the “original” Islam. Starting from the multi-color Sufi-ism practices to the religious beliefs given to a 5-years old child, there is a mixture of Islamic and anti-islamic values. Marriages, mosques, educational institutions, family network, political realms, and social structure is badly lacking the real essence of Islam.

Since last 3 to 4 decades, interest rate is legal in Pakistan, whereas, it is clearly forbidden in Islam. Besides, the recent law in support of the legalization of LGBTQ is another example which shows that Islam is only a “show-piece” in Pakistan.

Both of these cases show how the pure Islamic values and Islamic culture is being cancelled, day by day.

Cancel LGBTQ Culture

Final Words

Herd mentality presses down your voice of inner reality and let you follow the “perceived reality” of the society. However, it doesn’t continue for a long time for a person who has a conscious brain to think right and wrong. Once a person rise up against this herd mentality, he starts cancelling all those fake cultural practices that are followed by the herd. From here, his journey starts to, either go with the flow like a dead fish, all life; or be a “change agent” in the society, to bring revolution.

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