About Human Sciences

Don’t Want to Be Successful in Life? Keep Doing These 15 Things Always

You may have read a lot of articles and blog posts on how to be successful in life. Today, we will tell you how not to be successful in life and to keep blaming your luck. We will make you realize the top 15 things that are surely a reason for your failure in life, […]

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The Hidden Truth 5 Deadly Reasons Why People Start Avoiding You 1

The Hidden Truth: 5 Deadly Reasons Why People Start Avoiding You

In today’s interconnected world, nurturing social relationships is vital for both personal and professional growth. However, there may come a time when you notice people around you beginning to distance themselves. Understanding the reasons behind this shift and knowing how to address it is essential for maintaining healthy connections. In this blog, we’ll uncover the

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What if your Emotions Start Controlling You: 8 Consequences

While it’s tempting to let your emotions guide you, it’s crucial to remain cautious and rational. Emotions can sometimes lead you down harmful paths, resulting in significant heartbreak and disappointment. Acting impulsively and without a purpose can set you up for severe consequences. It’s essential to maintain a balance and ensure that your actions are

What if your Emotions Start Controlling You: 8 Consequences Read More »

dreams psychological vs Islamic interpretation

Dreams | Psychological vs Islamic Interpretations

Dreams have had amazing interpretations for centuries. Scholars and learned people from the psychological and medical fields gave many theories with explanations regarding dreams. Likewise, the Islamic interpretation of this topic also adds up to the seriousness of the impact of dreams on human life. Both psychological and Islamic interpretations of dreams are, however, a

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Are We Really Trapped In This World; Psychology Behind Sin of Adam

Almost half the world acknowledges the false philosophy that we are here in this world because Hazrat Adam (A.S) did sin or made a mistake and we are given a punishment. Not only Christians but also a lot of Muslims, unfortunately, believe this wrong concept. Now, if half of the planet is under this psychology,

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20 messages from the holy book for your mental health

20 messages from ‘The Holy Book’ for your mental health

The Holy Book, Qur’an, brings more than 100 messages to address the mental health or the inner world of a person. It talks about those facts that are related to mental peace, mental grooming, mental satisfaction, and solution to all the psychological warfares of a man. Here are 20 messages from Allah Almighty in His

20 messages from ‘The Holy Book’ for your mental health Read More »