20 messages from the holy book for your mental health

20 messages from ‘The Holy Book’ for your mental health

The Holy Book, Qur’an, brings more than 100 messages to address the mental health or the inner world of a person. It talks about those facts that are related to mental peace, mental grooming, mental satisfaction, and solution to all the psychological warfares of a man.

Here are 20 messages from Allah Almighty in His Holy Book, Qur’an.

  •  Do not be disappointed from the mercy of Allah (39: 53). Stay hopeful in every situation. It would make you not lose your mind and stay mentally stable.
  • Repel evil by good (41: 34). It is, however, related to your personal grooming and strengthens personal characteristics only. Whenever an evil comes out in society and becomes problematic for others, you have to fight for it. it would not be eliminated by good only. For example, evil going on in Palestine, Kashmir, Syria, etc.
  • Invoke not any other god, along with Allah (28:88). Keep only THE ONE as your center of submission. Don’t submit to or follow the commandments of tiny gods (people or things you think are superior or mightier than everything) in life. Otherwise, your psychology would get badly devastated.
  • Punish for crimes in an exemplary way (5: 38). It matters a lot in making the psychology of the masses. Work on both fear and fascination policy. Only fascinating and forgiving every major crime would lead to injustice in society.
  • Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge (17:36). It simply means don’t go for people’s secrets. Things that don’t belong to you will simply create unease in your physical and psychological world. Here, it doesn’t mean to stop seeking knowledge in different fields or stop learning about the unknown in the universe.
  • Do not despair of the mercy of Allah (39: 53). Despair destroys your hopes. It gets you down, deep down to the endless darkness. Not only phycological but physical health gets devastated by the despairing evil thoughts. Keep telling your mind that the mercy of Allah is always with you.
  • Repel Evil by Good (41: 34). Here, the point to note is that it is, again, implacable on the personal level only. Allah says to forgive those who did bad to you. However, if the evil is spreading enough to impact the lives of others, you have to fight for it.
  • Decide on affairs by Consultation (42: 38). Two brains can think more strongly on a matter than only one. It prevents you from regretting and blaming yourself, a lot of times.
  • Enjoin right, Forbid Wrong (31: 17). It is more difficult to forbid wrong than enjoining right. It demands coming out from your comfort zones of mind. However, it can give you long-lasting psychological peace. Stay strong against wrong, in every possible way, to keep your inner voice and consciousness alive.
  • Don’t be rude in speech (3: 159). The selection of words matters a lot. You may be angry excessively, but don’t forget to be conscious while speaking. Rudeness can destroy your relations permanently and give you mental depression.
  • Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90). These things give you mental peace temporarily and cause destruction, physical and mental), in the long run.
  • Do not neglect your portion of this world (28:77). You are not sent to this planet by chance. Whatever is happening around you calls for your attention. Understand your role in the whole game of life. Play some part before you die.
  • Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199). Again, it has its own implications. Forgiving is said to be the best revenge. However, you forgive someone when damage is done to you only. If the capacity of damage encircles multiple people, forgiveness is not the solution. The Qur’an also gives commandments for punishments. Therefore, it should be understood that, forgive, when it’s really a mistake, not a blunt habit.
  • Do not ridicule others ( 49: 11). Ridiculing others or ridiculed by someone sends negative signals to the psychologies. It is one of the worst negative psychology trigging elements.
  • Do not follow anyone blindly ( 2: 170). Here, it is mentioned for worldly temporary leaders that we consider our Alphas. Every man is the child of Adam and can commit a mistake. You can have your Alphas on a philosophical level but do keep a critical eye in this case also. Only the God Almighty and His Messengers can be followed blindly.
  • Do not break the promise (2: 177). Keep your words and keep your relations with people. It is good for your mental health. Keeping or breaking a promise shows your personality and mentality.
  • Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42). It doesn’t matter if you are talking to your friend or the president of your country, just don’t lie. Mixing falsehood with truth will corrupt your thought process and speaking attributes.
  • Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe (3: 191). This is much beneficial for your mental health. The more you think about the universe around you critically, the more you will find portals and gateways to interesting things.
  • ‘Having majority is not a criterion of truth (6:116). Truth has its own power, even if it has only one follower. It would win in the end. Falsehood, even having the majority, does not have power in it. Go for the truth, after discovering it, even if it has no majority and you are the only one to follow it.
  • Eat and Drink, But Be Not Excessive (7:31). ‘Excess of everything is bad’… yes, you can apply this as a measurement tool to any matter in your life. Balance your life with balanced emotions, relations, nutrition, and psychological thought processes.

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